As a FIRST TIME applicant you are required, by law, to complete the Legal Test. This relates to the new Firearms Control Act 60/2000.

You will then, at the same time complete One, Two, Three or Four (minimum of One) Basic Firearm Training (Handgun, Shotgun, Self-Loading Rifle and/or Manually Operated Rifle), which covers firearm safety, practical handling and section 49 of the Criminal Procedures Act, which covers the law around firearm use for the purpose of self-defense.

  • STEP 1: Pay for and collect manuals from us in-store @ 111 5th Avenue, Northmead, Benoni. Alternatively pay on-line and for an extra fee have the manuals delivered to you.
  • STEP 2: Study & complete in-book tests in your own time at home.
  • STEP 3: Complete 1 lecture day (held on Mondays and Wednesdays excl. public holidays from 09H00 to 15H00) and write an exam at the end of the same day.
  • STEP 4: Provided you’ve passed all your written tests, you’ll be booked for your shooting practical (held Fridays and Saturdays for about an hour)
  • STEP 5: Once ready and notified as such, you’ll collect your document pack for you to complete with your personal details.
  • STEP 6: Submit application to SAPS for competency approval.


The business purposes unit standards are geared towards people who will, through the application of the current legislation; handle and use a firearm within a business environment (i.e. You make use of firearms registered to a business). This may include security personnel, armed response guards, personnel working in gun-shops, casinos or airports where firearms must be booked in for safe-keeping or repair work etc.

Anyone wanting to apply for a Dealers Competency or a Competency to Trade in Firearms/Ammunition must have completed the business purposes unit standards as well.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: You MUST have completed or be in the process of completing the BASIC UNIT STANDARD of the SAME firearm discipline in order to be allowed to enrol for the business unit standards.

  • STEP 1: Pay for and collect manuals from us in-store @ 111 5th Avenue, Northmead, Benoni.
  • STEP 2: Study & complete in-book tests in your own time at home.
  • STEP 3: Complete 1 lecture day (held on Tuesdays excl. public holidays from 09H00 to 15H00) and write an exam at the end of the day.
  • STEP 4: Provided you’ve passed all your written tests, you’ll be booked for your shooting practical (held Fridays and Saturdays for about an hour)
  • STEP 5: Once ready and notified as such, you’ll collect your document pack for you to complete with your personal details.


Regulation 21 Competency Testing is a Mandatory yearly refresher training for security officers.

This course is a refresher course for security personnel. The purpose of this course is to ensure that security officers issued with firearms undergo at least one proper practical training and theoretical briefing session every 12 months.

Duration: One Day (May vary dependent on existing skill level and previous training received)